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Eventos de caminata en bicicleta

First Fridays Downtown BIKE VALET

Ride to First Friday's and leave your bike with us worry-free! No charge.

4/5/2024, 6/7/2024, 7/5/2024, 8/2/2024, 9/6/2024, 10/4/2024, 11/1/2024



Bike Nights (2nd Thurs/Month)

4/11/2024, 5/9/2024, 6/13/2024, 7/11/2024, 8/8/2024, 9/12/2024, 10/10/2024


Urban ride, starting/ending at Taylor Pavilion: 6:30PM.

No need to register - just show up!

Social @ Vibrissa following the ride!


Bike/Walk to Work Day


Morning Commuter Station Downtown:

7-10AM: Big L's Bagels. Complimentary Breakfast Items, Coffee & Water.

Bikers & Walker Welcome! 


Happy Hour:

5-7PM: Winchester Brew Works


Ice Cream Social Ride OR Walk


5/19/2024 | 1-3PM

All levels. Start at Taylor Pavilion and end at Dividing Creek Beer Co. for Ice Cream and beverages, with urban riding OR walking in between! Slow, no drop. More Info


MSV Trail Days Bike Valet

6/1/2024 | 9AM-Noon

Ride to MSV's Trail Days and leave your bike with us worry-free! No charge.


Neighborhood Nights

6/6/2024 | 6:30-8:30PM

BikeWalk Winchester is helping to sponsor the City's June Neighborhood Nights event. Pop by and say hello to BikeWalk Volunteers, as well as Winchester's Fire & Rescue team, and grab an ice cream from BikeWalk!


July 4th Social Ride/Walk


7/4/2024 | 10AM

Take a leisurely ride through Winchester's East Neighborhoods and paths or enjoy a walking tour downtown of Winchester's history in celebration of the holiday, and end at Vibrissa for lunch! Dress festively and decorate your bike!



How-To Fest

9/28/2024 | 11AM-3PM

Handley Library

'How to Change a Flat'



Local Candidate Forum

10/1/2024 | 6:30-7:30PM



Halloween Social Ride/Walk

10/19/2024 | 2-4PM

Dress up in costume! All levels. Start and end at Taylor Pavilion. Slow, no drop.

Reuniones periódicas de BikeWalk

¡Primer martes de cada mes!

¡Consulte Facebook, Instagram o nuestro calendario de eventos a continuación para conocer la hora y el lugar!


martes 7 de mayo
7-8 p.m.
Biblioteca Handley

Sala Benham Gallery, nivel inferior

¡Otros paseos, caminatas y carreras súper increíbles !

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