Volunteer Opportunities
We're always looking for people to help us at events or for behind the scenes work. We have opportunities for all ages, interests and abilities.
Current volunteer needs are listed below (updated as best we can!).
If you see something that you're interested in, please email bikewalkwinchester@gmail.com.
We can't wait to meet you!!
BikeWalk Opportunities:
​First Friday Bike Valet
9/6 | 6-8PM | Taylor Pavilion
Notes/Specific Skills/Physical Abilities: None. Just show up, and bring a big smile! Watch the live music while you greet people.​
Candidate Forum Media Help
10/1 | 6-8PM | Handley Library
Assist the BikeWalk Team with some social media during our 1st Candidate Forum, including holding technology for a Facebook Live session and other posting during the forum.
First Friday Bike Valet
10/4 | 6-7PM | Taylor Pavilion
Notes/Specific Skills/Physical Abilities: None. Just show up, and bring a big smile! Watch the live music while you greet people.
Halloween Ride Bike Ride Crossing Safety
10/19 | 2-4PM | Taylor Pavilion
Notes/Specific Skills/Physical Abilities: Ride with the group and assist the Ride lead by helping the group cross intersections safely and legally. Must be able to complete a slow, urban, 7ish mile bike ride, including times when you'll need to ride past the group back up to the front of the pack.
Halloween Bike Ride Caboose
10/19 | 2-4PM | Taylor Pavilion
Notes/Specific Skills/Physical Abilities: Ride with the group, and stay at the back of the pack to ensure no one gets dropped and that the group stays mostly together. Must be able to complete a slow, urban, 7ish mile bike ride. Will be in communication with the ride lead.
Halloween Ride Break Attendant
10/19 | 2:30PM
Notes/Specific Skills/Physical Abilities: None. Show up and greet riders at their halfway point! Hand out refreshments. Bring a big smile!
CCAP Winchester 4th Annual Benefit Bike Tour
Our friends at CCAP are looking for volunteers for their annual bike ride fundraiser in August! It's an incredible cause and a great opportunity to get involved in the community. Opportunities include everything from handing out snacks, logistics help, directing riders, and possibly a ride lead and sweep for a casual family ride at the MSV.