City of Winchester Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) FY 2024
Where to Find the CIP Online:
How the CIP Works:
The Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a plan for purchasing capital expenditures over a period of five years to meet capital needs arising from the long-term work program. It sets forth each project or other contemplated expenditure and specifies the full resources estimated to be available to finance the project. City Council appropriates the projects scheduled for the first year of the plan at the same time as the operating budget. The projects scheduled in the next four years of the CIP are included for planning purposes. The information in the prior and future years are intended only to show the complete cost of a project that may be partially undertaken in a year not included in the five-year plan.
Biking/Pedestrian Related CIP Projects:
BikeWalk Winchester has identified 15 projects in the current CIP that relate to Biking and Walking.
Bicycle Projects:
Green Circle Trail - Widening Along Jubal Early (start 2024 - end 2025 $2.2MM): Project consists of widening the existing section of the Green Circle Trail along Jubal Early Drive from just west of Harvest Drive to Handley Avenue. Much of the project will consist of constructing a raised boardwalk within the marshy area south of Jubal Early. This project will allow both pedestrians and bicyclists to use the trail safely. The existing section of trail is not wide enough to safely accommodate both types of users.
Green Circle Trail Phase IV (start 2009 - end 2025 $7.5MM): This project has been an on-going effort to construct a recreational trail around and through the City of Winchester to provide opportunities to move within the City by walking, jogging, bicycle, etc.
Green Circle Trail - Widening Along Amherst (start 2026 - end 2028 $3.4MM): Project consists of constructing a 10-foot wide trail along Amherst Street from near the intersection of Boscawen Street to where the trail is located on the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley property. The existing trail at this location consists of a 4 to 5 foot wide sidewalk. This project will allow both pedestrians and bicyclists to use the trail safely.
Green Circle North End Connection (start 2027 - end TBD $18MM): This project would create a trail from the north end of the City to Jim Barnett Park and the Green Circle Trail. There are no existing trails in this area of the City.
Green Circle Trail Extension - Millwood Pedestrian Bridge (start 2027 - end 2029+ $13MM): Project would eliminate two major street crossings for trail users (Jubal Early and Millwood) at signalized intersections and allow for a much safer crossing across Millwood via a raised pedestrian bridge.
Pedestrian Projects:
Sidewalk Improvements (start 2023 - end ongoing $31.25MM): Project will consist of replacing existing sidewalks in poor condition and installing new sidewalks in locations where none currently exist. Sidewalk improvements are a very high priority for residents and City Council. The improvements that will be completed for this project are consistent with the City’s Sidewalk Master Plan.
Boscawen Street Improvements (start 2024 - end 2025 $1.3MM): Project would consist of making safety improvements on Boscawen Street between Indian Alley and Cameron Street. This project would greatly improve safety for pedestrians.
Middle Road Improvements - (start 2024 - end 2026 $5.9MM): Continuing efforts to construct new sidewalks as per the City's Sidewalk Master Plan.
PaperMill Road Improvements - (start 2025 - end 2027 $14.3MM): Project would consist of widening Papermill Road between Cedarmeade and the City limit from two lanes to three lanes (one lane each direction and a center turn lane), bike lane, curb & gutter, and sidewalks. The project also includes constructing a roundabout at the Papermill/Shawnee intersection.
Monticello and Armor Dale Improvements - (start 2027 - end 2028 $8.4MM): Project will improve safety as there are not currently sidewalks and will significantly improve drainage in this area.
Pedestrian Bridge Over RR Tracks - N. Cameron - N. Kent (start future - end future $8MM): Project consists of constructing a pedestrian bridge over the CSX railroad tracks where the former Wyck Street railroad crossing was located. CSX closed the vehicle/pedestrian crossing at this location several years ago and will not allow a new, at-grade pedestrian crossing to be installed. This project will provide a grade separated pedestrian crossing over the railroad that will provide a connection between N. Cameron Street and N. Kent Street.
Shawnee Improvements (start tbd - end tbd $10MM): Project would consist of widening Shawnee between Papermill Road and the City limit from two lanes to three lanes (one lane each direction and a center turn lane), bike lanes, curb & gutter, and sidewalks.
Weems Lane Improvements (start tbd - end tbd $5MM): The project would consist of installing curb & gutter and sidewalks along Weems Lane where none currently exist.
Fox Drive Improvements (start tbd- end tbd $15MM): Project would consist of adding curb & gutter, sidewalk, and drainage along Fox Drive from Amherst Street to the northern City limit.
Bellview Avenue Improvements (start tbd - end tbd $8MM): Project would consist of adding curb & gutter, sidewalk, and drainage along Bellview Avenue from S. Loudoun Street to Valley Avenue