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City of Winchester Strategic Plan 2021-2026


Where to Find the Strategic Plan Online:


Strategic Plan Goal 4: Moving Winchester

“Facilitate the movement of people and goods around the city with comfortable sidewalks and trails, expanded transit and safe streets.”


Objective 4.1 Re-imagine public transit by designing a system that is more flexible and efficient

Objective 4.2 Invest in Streetscape improvements (sidewalks, street trees, public art) that result in safer more comfortable movement around the city

Objective 4.3 - Expand Biking Facilities and make traffic adjustments that improve cyclist safety 

Action/Activity 4.3.1 - Implement new bike sharing program (maybe not right now)

Action/Activity 4.3.2 - Implement/improve primary bike routes through the city

Action/Activity 4.3.3 - Develop conceptual plan for new Green Circle Trail bike lane connections 

Objective 4.4 Improve safety of all residents through education and traffic enforcement 

Objective 4.5 - Continue Development of Green Circle Trail 

Action/Activity 4.5.1 - Determine route for and continue construction of Phase IV of Green Circle Trail 

Action/Activity 4.5.2 - Identify future extensions of Green Circle Trail

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